My Podcast Reviews is now Podgagement!

Engage your audience.
Grow your podcast!

Podgagement helps you interact with your fans, monetize your podcast, and measure your success as you grow your podcast!


Automatically track your global podcast ratings and reviews

Podgagement checks your podcast throughout the day, every day, so you don't miss your podcast reviews.

  • Read your reviews to make your audience feel like celebrities.
  • Learn what your podcast is doing well or where you can improve.
  • Use your reviews in marketing, pitches to sponsors, or unlocking more opportunities.

No more checking all 175 Apple Podcasts regions and other apps. No more screenshots. We send the reviews to you in text you can easily copy and with shareable links for every review!

Apple Podcasts
Podchaser/Logo/VectorCreated with Sketch.

Grow your audience and get more reviews

Every podcast gets its own page to help you get more followers, and a page to help you get more reviews!

These smartly display the right buttons for your audience, no matter the device they're using!

Constellation tier exclusive: Collect reviews directly from your audience through your page!

Constellation Tier Exclusive

Collect voice and written feedback from your audience

Send your audience to your own page to let them send a message, even with their voice from any modern device!

Your audience can even include a written message with their recorded message. This can make your job loads easier in case you need extra context or web addresses in text!

Transcriptions coming soon!

Constellation Tier Exclusive

Discover networking opportunities

Podgagement tracks the other podcasts recommended on your podcast listing and even tracks all the other podcasts that recommend yours on their listing!

You’ll get a quick glimpse of some details from each podcast so you can easily reach out for collaboration, crosspromotion, guesting, or more opportunities! 

Top podcasters are engaging their audiences with Podgagement!

podcasters served
podcasts tracked
reviews collected

See what other podcasters are saying

OMG, Daniel, thanks so much for this App—awesome! Several reviews here that I’ve never read before and as I guess you'll know yourself it is so very motivating to get good reviews. It’s so easy to be self-critical of what you do and reviews make you realise you’re just that little bit better than you give yourself credit for.
Paul Cheall
Fighting Through WW2 History
I love the thought of not having to remember to search multiple Apple stores for reviews. If I get a review from anywhere in the world, Podgagement will let me know. With everything an independent podcaster has to do to maintain their podcast and platform, this is a fabulous idea!
Civilla Morgan
Civilla Morgan
Childless not by Choice
Podgagement has been amazing for me. Before I found it, my VA was having to check individual countries in Apple Podcasts for new reviews on a weekly basis. We thank our listeners and read their reviews on the podcast, so it is important for us not to miss any. Podgagement has made this super-easy. Additionally, Daniel has gone above and beyond with his customer service to ensure everything runs smoothly for me. Thanks so much for creating such a valuable tool!
Larissa Galenes
Vegetarian Zen
There’s no question, one great way to engage your audience and to encourage more reviews is to showcase the ones that already exist! Read them out on-air and really connect with fans of your show. I find Daniel's Podgagement to be a great tool for making this super easy, and not missing a single one. It keeps track of every review, in practically every app, in every country around the world. Plus, the email updates make it so easy to find new feedback in seconds. When you're trying to get a show out, every week, that easy of use is vital!
Dr. Colin Gray
The Podcast Host
I consider Podgagement an invaluable resource in helping me keep my ear to the ground so to speak and see what the listeners are saying.  It’s important to get a sense of how you're doing with your audience, and without the time to manually check our ratings and reviews for every single country, Podgagement makes that incredibly simple, saves me hours, and in my mind, is well-worth the very little money it costs for this great service.
Mike “Sharky” James
PetaPixel Photography Podcast
We started our podcast this year and we found this tool called Podgagement created by Daniel J. Lewis. It has saved us a ton of time and it’s been so helpful to us out. It’s so important to be visible in Apple and to be aware of the reviews there, but we’re Android users, so we were finding it difficult to tap into all the Apple Podcasts stores around the world to collect the reviews, in a timely manner. Podgagement is the perfect solution, because it sends us all of the reviews right to our email. It’s so important to get the feedback on our show and the various episodes, so we know what our listeners like and what our audience is looking for. So, a big thank you to Daniel for this very helpful tool.
Paul & Jennifer Henczel
The Inspiring Show
Delighted to have found Podgagement as I had no idea there was a single review left (from the US), so a lovely surprise! Brilliant service!
Jenni Lisa Howard
The Home That Loves
The thing I love most about Podgagement is how simple and elegant it is. It’s not convoluted or complicated at all, and this update adds just a touch of awesome functionality.
Darcy Sabatino
Modern Business Guru
Daniel was AMAZING! He went above and beyond to help me with my questions. He actually solved a problem that I did not even know I had and subsequently saved me a huge headache in the future! Highly recommend. Also he has a great sense of humour!
Angela Seabourne
Women Embracing Later-Life
I love that I can see reviews and ratings from all over the world, at a glance. Being UK based with many listeners in America, for example, it's really important to me to be and feel connected with my friends and listeners there!
Jennifer Howard
The Home That Loves
I want to acknowledge all of my listeners for leaving a review, but for me to change my iTunes account to every country/region one by one to aggregate my reviews takes far too much time. Not only do I get all my reviews from around the world in my inbox without lifting a finger, but my listeners receive far more love from me.
Samantha Riley
EPIC Women Leaders
I believe that these level of ease that Podgagement adds to us as podcast hosts is phenomenal. Even if we did not realize it before, we need you. It helps us share what others think of our podcasts. Helps us to stay up to date. One stop shop. I love it.
Bryan Saint-Louis
Make a Difference Caster‪s‬
I like have access to reviews that come in from anywhere.
Jayson Sacco
The Axial Spondyloarthritis Podcast
I can access all reviews. I live in austria and because of you I can also see reviews from Germany.
Fran Singer
Make a Difference Caster‪s‬
It's awesome to be notified when a new review comes in! And your page is an amazing idea! Thanks!
Agi Keramidas
Personal Development Mastery
I love that you grab all the reviews from different platforms. It also looks pretty to share reviews from this site!
Effie Parks
Once Upon A Gene
I don't have to take the time to check for podcasts. I'm notified when we get a review.
Linda Abraham
Admissions Straight Talk
Podgagement gives us a place to see all our testimonials in one place without having to search through hundreds of different locations to find them. Spending less time organizing reviews allows us to dedicate more time to working our podcast.
Bob Wheeler
Money You Should Ask
I like this site, because people can review your podcast and rate your podcast.
Fabien Siffrin
The Blind Tech Talk
Easy to get and find my reviews. Feels great getting a 5 star out of nowhere!
Jeff Revilla
Stuff I Never Knew Trivia Game Show Podcast
The biggest problem I've had since starting Because We Make is that the show gets a good amount of reviews and ratings and we like to reward people who write them by reading them on the show. Sometimes it's really hard to keep track of incoming reviews so the fact that I don't have to seek them out to know when a new one is posted is a massive time saver and ensures that I give credit where it's warranted.
Vincent Ferrari
Because We Make
Previously, when I tried to encourage reviews, it was essentially Apple or bust. But I would only see the reviews for Canadian listeners, being in Canada. Since about 80% of my audience is in the US, this limited the visibility. Podgagement has made all the difference, letting me see all countries, and not just for Apple. Plus, the super simple Love The Podcast URL has made it even easier for listeners to leave a review, which has seen my reviews at least quadruple since using the service.
Danny Brown
Podcaster Stories
Podgagement makes sure I don’t miss any reviews posted about my show, even when it’s not my own country. Each one is a fabulous gem of feedback that makes me feel good about what I’m doing and is often material I can actually use in the show.
Paul Cheall
Fighting Through WW2 History
I love waking up to an email with a new review from Podgagement. The reviews are already in a sharable format for social media, so I just take a quick screenshot. I set up this account when I first started my podcast 8 months ago, and haven't thought much about it since. I know every time I get a review I'll be sent an email. That's really the only communication I receive. It's annoying when you use a service and they fill up your inbox with promotional emails. Podgagement just sends me the reviews, so I am genuinely excited when I see a new email from them. I'm thrilled to be able to provide a review for such a great and easy to use service. Highly recommend.
Gillian Tietz
Sober Powered
I'm able to see reviews for my podcasts from outside the UK and across podcast platforms I don't have access to. That's an incredibly useful insight into how they are doing internationally.
Tiernan Douieb
Partly Political Broadcast
We can now share a single, simple and relevant to our podcast link when asking for ratings. We had a lot of listeners asking how/where to rate and supplying a link per platform that is usually not an end-user friendly URL was an absolute pain.
Corné Van Driel
Welcome to the Gun Show
How I found you was googling “hidden Apple reviews” or something like that. I had a few people screenshot the reviews and DM me on Instagram because they like my podcast so much, but I never saw the reviews? It turns out they were in another country which is not surprising because my podcast is listen to an over 80 countries but I did not know that all the reviews would not show up. So when I subscribe to your service I actually got nearly 20 reviews but I had no idea were out there. Very exciting!
Michelle Schoenfeld
You Lost Me at Namaste
Podgagement makes it super easy for me to stay on top of my audience reviews. Rather than having to research and explore my international reviews, they are all in one place through Podgagement. Additionally, I can easily use the copy to put into communication with my listeners and let them know what people are saying about the show. Something that saves me time and energy. The LoveThePodcast app also makes it easy to request ongoing reviews. Thank you for this feature! My investment in Podgagement is well worth it and makes my life as a podcast host that much easier.
Meg Rentschler
The STaR Coach Show
This service makes my podcasting life so much easier. Collecting all my reviews in one spot is a plus. I really like the “love the podcast” links and landing page. What will Podgagement do next?! Keep it up!
Gregory Favazza
Gregory Favazza
Your Transformation Station
Your ideas for how to encourage listeners to write reviews are great! Making it about how reviewing a show can benefit the listener is an excellent approach. Thanks!
Steve Webb
Lifespring! Podcast
Podgagement is great because it helps me see what people think about my podcast in one easy place. I don't have to go to all the places separately to do that which saves me time.
Vit Muller
Success Inspired Podcast
Your ideas for how to encourage listeners to write reviews are great! Making it about how reviewing a show can benefit the listener is an excellent approach. Thanks!
Liv Dooley
The Best Kept Secret With Liv Dooley
I don't have to worry about missing a review, or responding to it in a timely manner.
Caroline Pope
Talking WITH the Animals. Animal Communication with Caroline Pope
Podgagement takes the mystery out of asking my listeners to rate and write a review for my podcast. In the past, I would ask listeners to leave a review but had no idea how to answer their questions when they tried and couldn't figure out how.
Debora Barr
Transformed by the Word with Debora Barr
I love Podgagement! All your emails have been valuable and informative including the tips on how to ask for reviews. Really appreciate it.
Eric Melchor
Eric Melchor
Innovators Can Laugh
I think it is brilliant to have a link that works for the listener. Same with the review/ratings link. This is SO much easier than guessing what platform the listener prefers.
Cheri Flake
Cheri Flake
Meditation WTF
We have 15 different podcasts, and trying to round up all the reviews from all the different platforms and different geographic areas was getting to be an impossible task. We initially started with a competitor to Podgagement, and they feel short of our expectations. However Podgagement has exceeded our expectation, is super intuitive and a great value for the price. Highly recommend!
Mark LaCour
Mark LaCour
Oil and Gas This Week Podcast
I love that I don't have to go chase down our podcast reviews and ratings. Also, I love that I can just provide one link for my community to click to go listen to the podcast AND for them to review, rather than multiple, and then ask them to go find their platform... it just makes things much more seamless and less sloppy. The easier I make it for them, the more likely they will want to help us by leaving a review or rating. It makes me look like I have my sh*t together much more than I do. In all seriousness, this is a HUGE time saver!
Shannon Arner
Arner Adventures
Reviews are one of the most valuable and validating ways to hear from our community of listeners. One of my favorite parts of my podcast is to read reviews from listeners, and, yes, even the very critical ones! Tracking and finding those is an impossible task. With Podgagement, it is SO easy. Immediately upon subscribing we found so many reviews we didn't even know we had received. Who knew we had such great and engaged listeners in the UK??
Jeff Akin
Jeff Akin
Starfleet Leadership Academy
This is an awesome service. I have a tiny podcast, as a hobby, and now starting. No intention of monetizing, but this service brings in the info I could not find on my own without spending useless time. Thanks for this. Well worth the money.
Tate Basildon
Pan To Pen - A Storytelling Podcast

All features

All your podcasts

Track all your own podcasts and add others for competitive insights.

Learn more.

Outgoing networking

Track what podcasts are recommended on your own podcast listing.

Learn more.

Incoming networking

Monitor your position in recommendations from other podcast listings.

Learn more.

Image Maker

Create beautiful images to promote your podcast or share your favorite reviews.

Learn more.

Audience feedback

Collect written and recorded feedback from your audience.

Learn more.

Direct reviews

Collect reviews directly from your audience through your page.

Learn more.

All ratings

See the spread of your ratings (1 to 5 stars), even if they don't include reviews!

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All reviews

Easily see all your podcast reviews with no limits, even if you have more than 500!

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All countries

See where in the world your podcast reviews are coming from.

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Multiple platforms

Connect with Apple Podcasts / iTunes, Podchaser, Castbox, and more coming soon.

Learn more.

Multiple checks every day

Automatically check for new reviews every few hours so you'll have your latest reviews.

Learn more. page

A smart, easy, shareable page to get more podcast ratings and reviews!

Learn more. page

A smart, easy, shareable page to grow your podcast audience!

Learn more.

Shareable reviews

Share any individual review, which includes links to subscribe, rate, and review.

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Fast email alerts

Get your latest reviews emailed to you as soon as we find them, daily, or weekly.

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Slack alerts

Get your latest reviews sent to your Slack channels or private messages.

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Aggregate RSS feed

Subscribe to your own private RSS feed for all your reviews from everywhere.

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Copy and paste

Easily copy and paste your reviews anywhere you want.

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Categorize your reviews with one or more tags.

Learn more.


Build your own integrations and automations with your own API.

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Embeddable widgets

Show off your favorite reviews on your own website.

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Sort, filter, and search

See only the reviews you want in the order you want.

Learn more.


Bring your reviews into Zapier, IFTTT, WordPress, and more.

Learn more.

CSV exports

Download all or a selection of your reviews in CSV format.

Learn more.

Exclusive training

Members-only resources to help you know, engage, and grow your podcast audience.

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Friendly support

Get help via live chat or email from team members Daniel or Steve.

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30-day money-back guarantee

If our service isn't for you, you can cancel and request a refund within your first 30 days.

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Chart rankings*

Follow your podcast as it climbs through the global top charts across multiple platforms.

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SEO performance*

Watch your keyword ranking in podcast apps.

Learn more.

*Coming soon!

Exclusive Constellation-tier features:

Audience feedback

Collect written and recorded feedback from your audience.

Outgoing networking

Track what podcasts are recommended on your own podcast listing.

Incoming networking

Monitor your position in recommendations from other podcast listings.

Direct reviews

Collect reviews directly from your audience through your page.

Chart rankings*

Follow your podcast as it climbs through the global top charts across multiple platforms.

SEO performance*

Watch your keyword ranking in podcast apps.

*Coming soon!

How many podcasts do you need to track?

Slide to select your number of podcast slots:

Go yearly and get 2 months free!



Track only your ratings and reviews
$ 9 per month
  • Track ratings and reviews
  • page
  • page
  • Social Proof Image Maker
  • Ratings & Reviews Image Maker
  • NFC Podcast Beacon (additional $19.99)
  • Voicemail and written feedback
  • Incoming/outgoing networking
  • Direct reviews
  • Chart tracking
  • SEO tracking


Tools to engage deeper and grow faster
$ 19 per month
  • Track ratings and reviews
  • page
  • page
  • Social Proof Image Maker
  • Ratings & Reviews Image Maker
  • NFC Podcast Beacon (included)
  • Voicemail and written feedback
  • Incoming/outgoing networking
  • Direct reviews
  • Chart tracking*
  • SEO tracking*


Track only your ratings and reviews
$ 89
per month
(paid yearly, USD)
  • Track ratings and reviews
  • page
  • page
  • Social Proof Image Maker
  • Ratings & Reviews Image Maker
  • NFC Podcast Beacon (additional $19.99)
  • Voicemail and written feedback
  • Incoming/outgoing networking
  • Direct reviews
  • Chart tracking
  • SEO tracking


Tools to engage deeper and grow faster
$ 189
per month
(paid yearly, USD)
  • Track ratings and reviews
  • page
  • page
  • Social Proof Image Maker
  • Ratings & Reviews Image Maker
  • NFC Podcast Beacon (included)
  • Voicemail and written feedback
  • Incoming/outgoing networking
  • Direct reviews
  • Chart tracking*
  • SEO tracking*

*Coming soon!

Frequently asked questions

We provide tools and training to help you get ratings and reviews for your podcast. And we check your podcast in nearly 200 places multiple times every day so you don't have to. So when you do get a new review, we'll notify you about it as soon as possible.

Even if you never receive reviews, Podgagement helps you get more followers, track your growth, collect feedback from your audience, discover new growth opportunities, and more!

We offer a 100% refund if you decide My Podcast Reviews isn't for you. Simply cancel and request a refund within your first 30 days. Renewal payments have a 24-hour refund window in case you miss the renewal reminders. 

Yes, you can! This is a great way to manage different plan levels for separate podcasts.

Please contact us if you run a podcast network and would like to offer accounts to your network affiliates.

Currently, most podcast apps—including Spotify and Google Podcasts—do not allow listeners to write reviews on podcasts. But when a platform does add this new feature, we work to support it as quickly as possible.

We're still trying to get what data we can from Spotify, but they're not cooperating.

Unfortunately, Podcast Addict will not grant permission to collect reviews from their platform. But you may contact the developer, Xavier Guillemane, to kindly request that he integrate with Podgagement.

We accept credit card payments securely via Stripe, Apple Pay, and Google Pay. We no longer accept PayPal for new subscriptions.

Have more questions? See our Help section or contact us directly.


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