Enhanced: Your preference for “hourly,” “daily average,” or “weekly average” on ranking history graphs will now remember your last choice.
Enhanced: If you happen to be using Podgagement when we deploy an update, you will now be prompted to refresh the browser so you get the latest version.
Fixed: Searching for a podcast to add would sometimes blink through multiple search results, especially on slow connections.
March 20, 2024
Enhanced: New sidebar design to organize Podgagement features better and allow for more space to support upcoming features.
March 17, 2025
Added: Two new widgets added to the Dashboard and Rankings Overview pages: “Top current rankings” to show your top 10 rankings within the last hour, and “Best rankings achieved” to show your top 10 rankings your show has reached and when.
Fixed: Retired Apple Podcasts genres were sometimes showing in the Charts & Rankings Overview as duplicates of other charts.
March 3, 2025
Enhanced: The Rankings Overview page now loads significantly faster!
January 3, 2025
Added: Embeddable widgets for individual reviews, selected reviews, or a smart dynamic list of reviews
Added: Additional email recipients for engagement notifications
Fixed: Some podcasts were failing to be added or updated because the RSS feed contained a bad image URL. We built in a smart fallback.
Enhanced: Restructured “Analytics” sidebar menu section to give “Charts & Rankings” and “Widgets” their own sections.
Fixed: Some reviews kept being resent as if they were new.
December 5, 2024
Enhanced: Massive speed improvements on Incoming and Outgoing Networking pages!
November 27, 2024
Added: All-new charts and rankings feature! Track your podcast's ranking in up to 34,000 charts across all countries and genres in Apple Podcasts and Spotify!
Added: Watch real-time updates of the top-podcasts charts from any genre in any country from Apple Podcasts and Spotify!
July 25, 2024
Fixed: Not all episode ratings and reviews from Goodpods were being collected and you may have even seen a drop in ratings
Enhanced: Improved app performance during the times Podgagement refreshes all podcasts (every six hours from midnight, US Eastern timed)
April 15, 2024
Fixed: Some podcasts set to weekly notifications weren't receiving notifications when expected.
Fixed: Update from March 28 was causing some deactivated podcasts to show and count against your limits.
April 4, 2024
Removed Google Podcasts. 😢 Google had a good thing going, but they cheated on it and murdered it. RIP, Google Podcasts.
April 2, 2024
Fixed: Goodpods ratings weren't being properly counted.
March 28, 2024
Added: Show off your social proof with your global average rating and total number of ratings on both your Love and Follow pages (each with their own customizable options).
Added: Set a minimum threshold of ratings you must have before they will show on your Love and Follow pages (separate option for each).
Enhanced: Settings pages have been redesigned and guiding tips are now always visible.
Enhanced: Significantly improved performance for several sections.
Enhanced: Shareable URL slugs will now accept only allowed characters (letters, numbers, periods, underscores, and hyphens), and it will alert you if you try to use an invalid character.
Enhanced: Auto-detected branding colors have been moved into the color palette, and we now suggest only dark colors.
March 25, 2024
Fixed: Highly popular podcasts were hitting a backend limit on the Incoming Networking page that would cause an error.
March 22, 2024
Added: Easily copy all of a review or feedback message with only 2 clicks! Copy as one-line plain text, multi-line plain text, multi-line markdown, or multi-line HTML! This will even include the transcript of your voicemail feedback!
March 12, 2024
Added: CSV exporting has returned to reviews! Constellation members can also export their feedback to a CSV file.
Added: Shareable pages for each feedback you receive
Fixed: Some feedback was not getting the country attributed
March 4, 2024
Added: Adjust the maximum recording limit for voicemails, 1–5 minutes
Added: Customize the thank-you message displayed after your audience sends a message through your CastFeedback.com page
February 29, 2024
Added: We now automatically transcribe voicemails through your CastFeedback.com page
Added: Download voicemail in high-quality MP3
February 27, 2024
Fixed: 4 podcasts were having trouble refreshing. We got them fixed!
February 26, 2024
Fixed: Some characters were showing in their encoded form, like & #39; instead of the characters they were meant to be. There's your free life lesson for the day!
February 6, 2024
Added: Goodpods ratings and reviews for podcasts and episodes
Added: Collect direct reviews from your audience through your LovethePodcast.com page
January 19, 2024
Improved: Re-activating your subscription will now immediately queue your podcasts for a high-priority refresh.
Potentially fixed: Some new users would receive error messages on adding a new podcast, and then be able to add the same podcast again, resulting in duplicates.
Some performance improvements.
January 3, 2024
Fixed: Email addresses with any uppercase letters would prevent logging in
December 22, 2023
Added: automatically detect potential brand colors and suggest them in Brand Settings
Added: upload a social image (recommended 1,200 × 628 px.) to go in your OpenGraph and Twitter tags to embed when posting your shareable pages on social networks
December 19, 2023
Enhanced: add slug preview in Branding Settings
Fixed: new accounts weren't activating immediately
December 15, 2023
Enhanced: redirect very old /personal_review URLs to new single-review URLs—where are these old requests even coming from? My Podcast Reviews stopped using /personal_review years ago!
December 14, 2023
Backend fixes and improvements
December 13, 2023
Enhanced: started this public changelog so you can follow along with Podgagement's developments and see what's new
Enhanced: old numerical IDs and non-customized slugs now redirect to the correct pages instead of loading from the same URL
Fixed: old XML feeds now redirect to API v1 replacements and they should be without structural or GUID changes
December 12, 2023
Enhanced: old, non-customized slugs for LovethePodcast.com and FollowthePodcast.com are working again (not relevant if you customized your slug)
Enhanced: old individual-review page URLs are working again and redirecting, too
Fixed: some podcasts weren't refreshing because of incomplete platform data
Backend fixes and improvements
December 11, 2023
Enhanced: place podcasts in a suspended status when they appear to no longer exist in podcast apps
Fixed: LovethePodcast.com and FollowthePodcast.com slugs were case-sensitive
Added: error page so you'll know when Podgagement is in temporary planned maintenance mode
Backend fixes and improvements
December 2, 2023
Added: programmatically guess origin country for CastFeedback.com feedback submissions
Enhanced: hide deactivated podcasts from My Podcasts page and prevent them from using available podcast slots
Backend fixes and improvements
December 1, 2023
Enhanced: make podcast-switched dropdown scrollable for big accounts
Backend fixes and improvements
November 30, 2023
Officially launched Podgagement! EVERYTHING IS NEW!
Renamed previous My Podcast Reviews plans to reflect the feature tier and number of supported podcasts.
New feature tiers: Astro carries over the features from My Podcast Reviews, Constellation includes everything from Astro adds all-new features for more ways to engage your audience
Added: new historical engagement graph, showing your ratings and reviews over time
Added: new dashboard for a quick glance at your global engagement stats
Added: filter your reviews with a text search, which searches the title, main content, and author
Added: review author images when available
Added: tag reviews for quick lookup or use
Added: HTML iframe embed code for each review
Enhanced: paginated review pages
Added: include a custom welcome message and welcome video to your LovethePodcast.com and FollowthePodcast.com pages
Added: light and dark modes for in-app pages and your LovethePodcast.com and FollowthePodcast.com pages
Enhanced: preview your branding color selection in realtime in both light and dark modes
Added: auto-update button to connect to new platforms
Added: JSON REST API! (Okay, maybe only developers will get excited about this right now, but it's the foundation for future native integrations, like a WordPress plugin, Zapier, Slack, and more!)
Added: CastFeedback.com page for collecting written and recorded feedback (Constellation tier)
Added: feedback inbox with sorting and filtering (Constellation tier)
Added: incoming and outgoing networking, tracking the podcasts recommended on your podcast, and the other podcasts that recommend yours on their listings
Enhanced: redesigned shareable review pages, also supporting light and dark modes with your branding color